


The New Era for Foreign Investments in Brazil

The New Era for Foreign Investments in Brazil with Law No. 14,711/23   Por Demétrio Romaniewicz* Brazil, amidst a global landscape of economic and political uncertainties, is emerging as an increasingly attractive destination for Foreign Direct Investment (FDI). In 2023, the country solidified its position as the second-largest FDI destination globally, attracting $64 billion in...
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The Improvement and Facilitation of Foreign Trade from Brazil

The Improvement and Facilitation of Foreign Trade from Brazil. Brazil’s foreign trade and business environment was known for its huge bureaucracy. As an example, Brazilian exports, despite the computerization of part of the processes, are subject to 46 different procedures, administered by 12 agencies. In imports, there are 72 obligations, controlled by 16 government agencies....
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Brazil’s to expand its Double Taxation Agreement Network – The Inclusion of Singapore, Switzerland and the United Arab Emirates

  Brazil’s to expand its Double Taxation Agreement network. Double Taxation Agreeents (DTA) have as their main purpose to establish criteria for the apportionment of revenue among contracting countries. As a consequence, DTAs are one of the most relevant tools to avoid double taxation of income between contracting countries by restricting the tax jurisdiction of...
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