Ninety percent of Brazilian companies are family-owned, but the share of entrepreneurs who plan the succession is negligible, which explains the huge mortality rate of companies that cannot resist disorderly succession.
Our succession planning projects (in life) prevent conflicts, reduce costs and taxes, avoid the Brazilian bureaucracy and enable the gradual transmission of heritage and management. In addition, it provides asset protection, mitigating the risk of personal liability of partners or shareholders for debts contracted by the company.
With support in the vases of Civil and Corporate Law, our team is able to combine family succession planning, with the establishment of mechanisms of training of the heirs to exercise of leadership positions to saving in taxes and protecting family patrimony, guaranteeing to the company-owner family the perpetuation of the business.
The succession planning project is specially designed, and of high complexity and details. Considering that the implementation will depend on specific personal and patrimonial factors of each company-owner family. Our work includes measures such as:
Analysis of family assets and of the profile of partners and successors
Creation of holding company (pure or mixes), with succession and patrimonial conservation objectives
Use of the most appropriate corporate type (limited, anonymous partnership and collective partnerships)
Preparation of corporate instruments with specific rules regarding succession of partners and administrators, sale of quotas, preemptive rights, profit sharing, asset sales, valuation and liquidation of shares, among others.
Study of the possibility of estate transmission to the heirs in life, through corporate reorganizations, minimizing the costs and risks of conflict between family members.
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