Every company is exposed to economic and financial bad weather. However, the preservation and resumption of activities depend on the company’s attitude towards the challenge.
In a crisis scenario, it is essential to have legal guidance to establish a plan for Negotiating Liabilities and Business Rebalancing, in order to avoid financial collapse and preserve business activity.
To this end, with a multidisciplinary team, RMSA employs extensive experience in the Negotiation of Liabilities and Business Rebalancing, building a strategy that combines the characteristics of the business, maintaining the financial flow, mitigating risks and preserving assets.
The plan is jointly built between the client and the RMSA team, and is negotiated directly with creditors. The evolution of the execution of the plan can be followed by the client in real time.
This is not an Extrajudicial Recovery Plan, but an intermediate solution that has shown excellent results.
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