
Isabella Bishop

OAB/PR 74.590 e OAB/SP 377.798

Idiomas Inglês e Espanhol

Phone number+55 41 3029 9936

Associate Lawyer

Isabella Bishop works in RMSA’s Corporate Law and Contracts department. Leads the Intellectual Property group of the firm, and also works in the areas of civil law and international investments and opportunities. Has great experience in elaborating business contracts, including international contracts, in addition to providing consulting and litigation services.



Intellectual Property Committee of Paraná – OAB/PR

Certification by WIPO and INPI in Technology Contracts and Intellectual Property.

Pós Graduada – Especialista em Processo Civil – Complexo Educacional Damásio de Jesus.

Post Graduate – Specialist in Corporate Tax and Tax Procedural – PUCPR.

Bachelor of Laws from the Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná – PUCPR.