Just like in all countries with a large coastline and a diverse fauna and flora, Brazil has a complex and bureaucratic legislation regarding the implementation of projects that involve the environment. For this reason, the Environmental Law team provides advice to businesses in the most diverse sectors of the market.
Furthermore, currently a company that doesn’t follow a green policy loses space in the market. RMSA offers to its client’s legal solutions compatible with market vision and practical aspects of the corporate world. The result is an added value to the business, given the increased chances of eligibility to raise funds and international and national financing; cost reduction and potential environmental liabilities; besides improvement in the company’s image and brand awareness in the market; reduction of the premium value when contracting insurance policies, among other benefits.
Our service portfolio includes:
Consultation and opinion on the environmental subject
Preventive advice for implementation of environmental projects
Monitoring of administrative procedures of Brazilian Environment Federal Agencies (IAP and IBAMA)
Legal support in environmental licensing processes, public hearing and management licensing
Negotiation of restoration and repair of protected or degraded areas
Environmental audit
Updating environmental legislation and jurisprudence for clients
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