
Compliance e Anti-corruption

Compliance e Anti-corruption

Having in mind the enactment of anti-corruption Laws and the approximation of international markets, companies must strive for ethical conduct, that avoids excessive exposure of the company and its managers to non-conformities and acts of corruption, providing transparency and security, which are absolutely indispensable for investors. For this reason, RMSA advises its clients on compliance and anti-corruption matters.

With a multidisciplinary team, used to many legal issues that may arise during projects related to corporate integrity, the RMSA team evaluates each case and problems in a detailed way, recommending a global strategy to adapt the company to the current market. This team also acts in a preventive way, advising the business as a whole so that its strategy and conduct are in accordance to international and national standards.

Some of the activities provided by this department are:

Development and implementation of daily compliance procedures, if necessary, observing models adopted by the international market

Advice in the matter of the Brazilian Anti-corruption Law (Lei n. 12.846/2013 and Decreto n. 8.420/2015)

Advice related to the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA)

Internal investigations audits which may identify potential illicit practices or irregularities incurred by companies or their members

Negotiation, writing and reviewing of contractual clauses in compliance with anti-corruption legislation

Implementation of Corporate Governance

Crisis management, risk assessment and fraud investigation